Waiting room and reception desk

Reception and waiting rooms offer patients and visitors the first impression of your organisation and the services you provide. Easy-to-access and understand information is one of the key elements in ensuring that patients and visitors have confidence in your organisation.

Make sure that visitors feel welcome, safe, and informed from the get-go with our carefully selected range of products. Read more...

Keeping reception areas tidy and safe

Reception areas and waiting rooms are generally high footfall areas, with lots of to-ing and fro-ing. Keep these areas clean and tidy whilst providing your patients and visitors with all the information they need about the services your organisation offers with clever use of a range of information display solutions. From leaflet dispensers to flip displays, we have just the right thing for you.

We are also pleased to offer a range of counter protection screens, designed to keep the risk of transmission of airborne viruses at a minimum. Our framed screens are excellent for maintaining social distancing whilst not interfering with communication and our range of floor sign holders are perfect for displaying 'wait here' notices.

  • Keep your spaces covid-secure by installing counter guards at receptions desks and using floor sign holders for important messages
  • Use leaflet dispensers instead of scattering pamphlets across tables and reception areas
  • Flip displays are excellent for keeping lots of information together neatly - use for floor plans, explanations of services, doctor and consultant profiles